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Recent High Court Relocation Case

By November 26, 2020June 26th, 2024No Comments


Recent High Court Relocation Case


In a recent judgment of Mr Justice Max Barrett he set out the circumstances which had to be considered for an application by one of the parties for a stay on the order of the Circuit Court Judge to direct the relocation of the children of the marriage to another location.


Mr Justice Barrett in refusing the stay cited the reasoning for his decision as follows:


  1. He felt the Circuit Court Judge in coming to the conclusion to make a relocation order had adopted a very reasoned approach.
  2. The Circuit Court had directed that any review take place in December and that it was not appropriate to grant a stay prior to this review.
  3. That it was not in the best interests of the children to grant a stay which would involve them moving back to Ireland in the middle of a school term.


This provides welcome clarity as to the grounds to be taken into account by the court whether to grant a stay on such an order.


For any advice or information in relation to relocation related matters or any other family law matters please contact Brendan Dillon or Lorna McArdle on 01-2960666.