Owners of vacant residential properties are required to confirm if the property is liable to the tax as soon as possible and by the latest, 7th November 2023. Vacant Homes Tax is a new tax introduced in 2023 and will be an annual tax from he 1st November each year.
You may be liable for the vacant homes tax if you own a residential property which has been in use as a dwelling for less than 30 days in the 12 months chargeable period being between the 1st November 2022 and the 31st October 2023.
The property may be exempt from vacant home tax if the property changed ownership during the chargeable period or the property was exempt from Local Property Tax or the property was rented for at least 30 days to a tenant and the tenancy was registered with the RTB and the tenant is not related to the owner or a connected person. A connected person is the spouse or civil partner of the owner of the property or a relative of the owner or relative of the owner’s spouse such as a brother or sister or ancestor or lineal descendant
Other exemptions from VHT that can be claimed are on the basis the property was vacant due to the owner’s illness or death or the property has been vacant while advertised for rent or sale or due to refurbishment or court order.
If your property qualifies for an exemption from vacant homes tax, you need to:-
a) Claim an exemption;
b) Keep a record of the use of the property for the chargeable period and ensure that you comply with any obligations for the next chargeable period which will be from the 1st November 2023 – 31st October 2024.
For more information, do not hesitate to contact Pauline Horkan, Sally Ann McCoy or Lorna McArdle on 012960666